KA2 - REACH Researching European And Cultural Heritage to Share

Visit in Greece 6..10-3-2023

Final programme

[1st day] [2nd day] [3rd day] [4th day] [5th day]

Tour of the school
Welcome by the Principal
Warm up activity
Coffee break
Welcome by the Mayor of Pallini at the Town Hall
Lunch at the sea side town of Lavrio
Visit to the Temple of Poseidon at Sounion

The second day included a visit to the sacred rock of the Acropolis of Athens and a guided tour of the Acropolis museum.

Υπό κατασκευή
On Wednesday, March 8, 2023, the 2nd Gerakas Senior High School
co-organized a conference with the Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Attica,
with the cooperation of the Municipality of Pallini
and the support of the Directorate of European and International Affairs
of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.
The subject was :

"70 years of operation of the ASP net UNESCO Network -
Exploring our European and Cultural Heritage within
from the UNESCO Cultural Heritage Monuments".

The event took place at the Gerakas Cultural Center on in the context of the celebration of 70 years since the founding of the UNESCO ASPnet Network, of the participation of the 2nd Gerakas Senior High School in the European program ERASMUS + KA229 R.E.A.C.H to SHARE (Researching European and Cultural Heritage to Share) and the visit of his partners from 5 countries:
France (coordinating school), Spain, Portugal, Romania and Turkey.

A minute's silence was observed at the beginning in memory
of the victims of the Tempe train accident and of the devastating earthquake in Turkey.

Opening Speeches from:
Athanasios Zoutsos,
Mayor of Pallini

Andreas Marinos,
Director of Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Attica

and message from Vasiliki Makri,
Director of European and International Affairs,
General Directorate for International and European Affairs,
Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs


"ASPnet UNESCO - 70 years of dynamic collaboration and inspiration"
Vera Dilari
National Coordinator ASPnet Greece, International Relations Unit, Directorate of European and International Affairs
Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs

"Building the European Identity through Cultural Heritage"
Georgaki Evangelia
Director of the 2nd Gerakas Senior High School

"A change of Mindset via active participation in ASPnet Unesco. Myth or Fact?"
D. Kourtessis, Director of the 1st Junior High School of Gerakas
Maria Antoniou, English teacher of the 1st Junior High School of Gerakas

"Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage"
Corina Pertsinidou
Director of 2nd Junior High School of Gerakas

Saxophone by Sotiria K. and Potpourri of classical pieces in piano by Christina C.,
students of 2nd Gerakas Senior High School

The event was also attended by:
the deputy mayor of Pallini, Ms. Popi Zinelli,
the president of the school committee of Secondary Education, Mr. Angelos Liakopoulos,
the president of the Organization of Preschool Education & Social Care Ms. Maria Diakaki,
the former vice-president of the Cultural Association Pigi tou Gerakas, Ms. Despina Daliani,
many parents, teachers and students.

Part 2
In the second part of the event students of the Greek School presented the dance piece entitled "Dance of the European Cultures"
and then the school participants of the ERASMUS+ REACH to Share program made presentations:

“UNESCO French Tour” Lycée Professionnel F. Buisson, France
“Spain - Our Unesco Treasures” Institut Narcis Monturiol, Spain
“Ebook About Romanian UNESCO World Heritage Sites” Colegiul Economic Mihail Kogalniceanu, Romania
“UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Turkiye - Ancient City of Anazarbos” Sevim Tekin Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey
“Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Portugal” Escola Secundaria Dr Augusto Cesar Da Silva Ferreira, Portugal
“Discovering Greece's UNESCO Heritage Sites and Intagible Heritage” 2nd Gerakas Senior High School, Greece

The event closed with three traditional Greek dances, as a part of Greece's intangible cultural heritage.

After the return of the ERASMUS groups to the school, the parents association prepared a meal with traditional Greek food.
The game in sports facilities of the school relaxed students and teachers after an interesting day.

On Thursday 9 March 2023 the ERASMUS REACH team visited the archaeological site and museum of Delphi and Arachova.

On Friday, March 10, 2023, the last day of the visit, we had a ãuided walking tour through the main sites of modern Athens, guided visit to the Ancient Agora and Museum and lunch for all schools at "Klimataria", a Rebetico Music Tavern
(Rebetiko music has been recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Greece)

Here are pictures of the graphic creations and the gifts given to the participants...

Erasmus+ | 2nd Gerakas Senior High School