KA2 Learn and Play: Gamification as an Inclusive Learning Strategy

Visit to Greece 17..23 October 2023

From Tuesday 17 October 2023 to Monday 23 October 2023 under the program ERASMUS+ project no 2022-1-ES01-KA122-SCH-000079386
"Learn and Play: Gamification as an Inclusive Learning Strategy"
our school welcomed a group of students from the school Instituto de Ensenanza Secundaria Sofia from Cadiz, Andalusia, Spain.

The Spanish students were hosted by families of students from our school, they attended lessons together with the children of A Lyceum and participated in visits and events together with students of our school.

"Learn and Play: Gamification as an Inclusive Learning Strategy"
"Aprende y Juega: la gamificacion como estrategia para la educacion Inclusiva"
"Μάθε και Παίξτε: η παιχνιδοποίηση ως στρατηγική για την εκπαίδευση χωρίς αποκλεισμούς"

Tuesday 17/10 - Wednesday 18/10 - Thursday 19/10 - Friday 20/10 - Saturday 21/10 - Sunday 22/10 - Monday 23/10

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

we welcomed our friends from IES Sofia, Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz Spain. The programme included ice- breaking and team-building activities, presentations of the countries, their routines, customs and traditions, their education system and daily life in Spain and Greece. The Spanish students will further enhance their experience of living in Greece by being hosted by Greek families.

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

the Spanish group of teachers and students from IES Sofia, spent the morning at our school. They attended a full day of lessons in English together with the Greek students: IT lesson at the school computer lab by Mr Anastopoulos, Physics by Mr Batris, Modern Greek by Ms Panagiotopoulou and Ms Nanou, English by Ms Anastasiadou, Ancient Greek by Ms Anagnostopoulou and Physical Education by Ms Patrineli. Both Greeks and Spanish loved the experience!

After lunch at Lavrion, the day ended with a visit to the Temple of Poseidon in Sounion where the students learned about the history of the place admiring the wonderful view and the sunset.

Thursday, 19 October 2023

the Spanish group of teachers and students from IES Sofia along with class A4 of the 2nd Gerakas Senior High School experienced philosophy by visiting Aylon Lyceum a collaboration between the Ministry of Culture and the National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos". Through the use of technology and Artificial Intelligence the students came in contact with ancient Greek Philosophy technology driven and tried to answer the ever-present questions that concern humanity since ancient times.
Later the Spanish students visited Aristotle's Lyceum and went on a walking tour of Modern Athens. They saw the Panathinaic Stadium, the National Gardens, Zappeion Megaron, the Adrian Arch, the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Greek Parliament where they admired the change of guard and finally tired but happy they walked to the three neoclassical landmarks of Athens: the Academy, the University and the National Library.

Friday, 20 October 2023

The Spanish group of teachers and students from IES Sofia along with classes A5 and A6 of the 2nd Gerakas Senior High School visited the Acropolis and the Acropolis museum. In the afternoon they went on a guided tour of Plaka, the Roman Agora and the Ancient Agora of Athens

Saturday, 21 October 2023

The Spanish group of teachers and students from IES Sofia along with the hosting students of our school went on an excursion to Nafplion, the first capital of Greece. They saw the beautiful views of the Venetian Palamidi castle and learned about the history of the castle and the town. The weather was wonderful and everyone had a great time.

Sunday, 22 October 2023

A beautiful morning for the Spanish group of teachers and students from IES Sofia and the hosting students of our school: we spent the morning on the Flisvos Marina where we visited the Floating Naval Museum and went on a guided tour of the " G. Averof " battleship and later admired the "Olympias" a reconstruction of an ancient Athenian trireme built according to evidence from Greek literature, History of Art and archaelogy. Afterwards we had time to relax and walk around the Marina.

Monday, 23 October 2023

the final day of the Spanish school's visit. The Spanish and Greek groups worked on their presentations and were "tested" on the knowledge they gained during the programme by playing a kahhot game. In the closing ceremony students of both schools Erasmus teams shared their experiences with the students of the A' class of the 2nd Gerakas Senior High School, got their attendance certificates and had a last chance to come to contact with the cultures of both countries by watching students of our school dancing both traditional Greek dances and flamenco.
In the evening we all said our tearful goodbyes and vowed to meet each other again...

Erasmus+ | 2nd Gerakas Senior High School