KA2 - EUCHI European Cultural Heritage and Identity


Mobility in Romania

The Greek team consisting of seven students and two teachers travelled
to Romania and visited places of historical interest in the area
and learnt about the country and its history.
Our team met the students and teachers of all partner schools.
At the Costesti Technological High School they learnt about the Romanian Education System,
they attended a course about film making and on the last day
they worked on the photos and edited the videos they made in multinational teams
throughout the visit. Friendships were made and when the time came for all teams
to go back to their respective countries everyone felt they shared a common European
identity with a common future.

Mobility in Spain

The Greek team consisting of six students and two teachers embarked on the 2nd mobility
to the town of Jerez de la Frontera in Spain. Greek, Italian, Romanian and Spanish students
and teachers discovered their European Culture, Heritage & Identity,
they were exposed to different aspects of the European civilization and way of life
and came to recognize our common past, principals and way of life .
A visit rich in cultural input, strong feelings and excitement:
they visited places of interest, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, museums,
and even witnessed a demonstration taking place in Cadiz.
Our students made videos (sometimes in multinational groups)
and shared their experiences with the other members of the Erasmus team
and their fellow students in various dissemination activities until the Christmas holidays.

Information about the Greek Education System

Comparative data of Greece, Spain, Italy and Romania's Education Systems:

Mobility in Greece

See the banner for the event:

See the logo printed on bags
with the souvenirs for the participants: