Dissemination of training results
Benchmarking the schools of Sweden and Finland

On Monday 16 September 2019 it took place in the event hall of the 2nd GE.L. Geraka the information meeting in the context of the dissemination of results of the European program Erasmus + KA1 "Towards the school of the 21st century ..."

Teachers have the opportunity to be trained through the European Erasmus + KA1 programs in other European countries, acquiring valuable knowledge and skills useful for their personal life development but also for the quality upgrade of their school.

Determinant of success of the whole project, so that it has a positive and lasting impact in individuals and groups, is the multidimensional diffusion of relevant actions, as well as fruitful evaluation of its diffusion and impact at each stage of its development.
Trained teachers, acting as multipliers, pass on to their colleagues at school the knowledge and experiences they have gained from their participation in the training program.

In addition to the teachers of our school, the presentation was attended by:
Mr. Dimitrios Argyris, coordinator of Educational Project PE03 at the 5th PEKES and advisor of pedagogical responsibility of our school
and Mr. Pavlos Kosmidis, director of the 3rd High School of Gerakas.

In the educational program on:
Benchmarking the schools of Sweden and Finland:
1-8 September 2019
13 teachers from Austria, Germany, Greece, Poland, Slovenia participated in the ERASMUS + program of acquaintance and comparison of educational systems of the 2 Nordic countries.

Mrs. Georgaki Evangelia , Principal of the school participated from the 2nd GEL Gerakas. The occasion for the design of the program was the reflection and the discussion developed in the 2 countries on different outcomes and location occupying the international PISA & TIMMS competitions.

While Finland is consistently ranked high, Sweden has seen a steady decline in its student performance over the last 15 years. Obviously, there is a lot to offer in education, which is not always or easily measurable in PISA type competitions TIMMS, such as user training, vocational rehabilitation and successful social inclusion, tolerance, equality.

But when all the indicators go in the opposite direction from the desired, when 25% of students have difficulty understanding a newspaper article, when math performance is deteriorating it's time to wonder what 's going on.

The program included introductory presentations of history, culture and education systems Sweden and Finland , school visits (in 3 sub-groups: primary (1-6), secondary (7-9 and 10-12), course attendance, discussion with principals, teachers and students of schools reflection and discussion between of the participants and a comparison with the education systems of their countries, visits to museums and a tour of the cities of Stockholm and Turkish Finland.

Erasmus+ | 2nd Gerakas Senior High School