Presentation of project ERASMUS+ KA1 «Towards the school of the 21st century»

Wedesday, December 11, 2019. 2nd Gerakas Senior High School, event hall. Informing the parents of our students about the 17-month program ERASMUS+ KA1 which was completed in December 2019 at our School.

It was a collective training program for teachers entitled "Towards the school of the 21st century" . The Program was funded by the European Union. They participated in this project:
the Principal and seven teachers, who attended eight different training programs, which moved on three main axes:

The activities included training seminars in various cities in Europe so that participants can get in touch with different education systems and cultural environments, acquaintance with teachers from other European countries, attending presentations, participating in workshops, presentation and learning new technologies, attendance of structured courses, school visits of all types and levels, cultural visits and experiential learning.


1. «Learn, Experience, Create, through Art and Culture», N.P. Fine Arts Studio,Larnaca, Cyprus (ÊùíóôáíôÞ ÂáóéëéêÞ)
See the presentation ...

2. «The 4 Cs: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration in Schools», Europass Teacher Academy , Florence, Italy (Ïéêïíïìïðïýëïõ ÓôõëéáíÞ)
See the presentation ...

3. «Developing Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills in the classroom» Oxford International Study Centre, OISC, Oxford, England (ÓéäåñÜ ÐáñáóêåõÞ)
See the presentation ...

4. «Gamification : Active Methodologies in Education», PMS Erasmus Plus (PMSE+), London, England (ÔóéáðñÜæç Ìáñßá)
See the presentation ...

5. «Robotics and STEM in Education» STANDOutEdu, Nicosia, Cyprus (ÔóéáðñÜæç Ìáñßá)
See the presentation ...

6. «Benchmarking the schools of Sweden and Finland»,,Stockholm, Sweden and Turku, Finland (ÃåùñãÜêç Åõáããåëßá)
See the presentation ...

7. «Structured Educational Visit to Schools/Institutes & Training Seminar in SWEDEN», English Matters S.L., Stockholm, Sweden (Ôáïýæç ÂáóéëéêÞ)
See the presentation ...

8. «Individualised Learning in Swedish Schools», Forum Eltern und Schule, Helsingborg and Malm,, Sweden (ØáñïõäÜêç Åõäïîßá)
See the presentation ...


Improving the teaching ability of our teachers by applying innovative teaching methods (personalized learning, critical thinking development, creativity) and introduction new technologies in the classroom (gamification, robotics, STEM), the awareness of the common European cultural identity, the education of active citizens has direct effects on upgrading the education provided in our school with direct recipients our students.

2nd Gerakas Senior High School, with the implementation of European programs, shapes its identity as a modern, open school and achieves its integration into the European educational community.
Erasmus+ | 2nd Gerakas Senior High School